Community Living in Yellowstone
A Residence Coordinator gives an overview of what employee life is like in Yellowstone.
A Word from a Former Employee
Matt Rafferty, a former employee who lived in the dorms, explained the ease of living in the dorms offers to residents. He quit his job back home and came to Yellowstone looking for something different, and said he loved how simple it was to live in the dorms, because he never had to worry about it (room and board costs are automatically deducted from your paycheck).
”To get to live in a place like this, and yet having housing taken care of, food taken care of, it’s so easy,” Rafferty said. “Any place else, you’re trying to find your own apartment and you have to figure out how you’re going to make ends meet. Here, it’s like, that’s all taken care of, and you can just work and then get outside and have fun.”
Full disclosure: this experience, no matter how incredible, isn’t for everyone. If you can’t go without stable WiFi, constant cell phone service and having a private bathroom, you might not find a home here. But remember: you aren’t here to stay in your dorm.
You live and work in one of the most amazing places on earth and Yellowstone’s 2.2 million acres are just begging to be explored. Why waste your time in this wonderland by sitting in a room only intended for you to sleep in? Get out there and have the adventures you can’t have anywhere else.
Community living is part of the adventure. Like all experiences in life, it is what you make of it. So choose to make the most of it.
Get to Know Life in Yellowstone!
Community living can come with some challenges. Being prepared can help make for a smooth transition. To help you prepare for what to expect, we’ve put together some photos, maps, FAQs, and more.
Housing Interiors
No matter what dorm you live in, take the opportunity to make it your own! After all, you will be living in Yellowstone for a few months. Why not decorate and make your dorm home sweet Yellowstone home? If you are looking for more of the comforts of home, check out the common areas of our dorms. These community gathering spaces offer items such as books, puzzles, games, computers, and more.

Housing Exteriors
Each housing option varies across locations, some are new, others are historic. Take a look at what some of our dorms look like from the outside.

First and foremost, you will have at least one roommate. For some people, this may not seem like an issue, but for others, sharing a bedroom can be quite an adjustment. You will share your living space with other people. But keep in mind those people are likely there for similar reasons and your roommate(s) can become some of your best friends.
Most dorm buildings have community bathrooms, meaning everyone shares the same restrooms (the plus side to this arrangement is that a dorm custodian cleans the community bathrooms, meaning you won’t have to worry about it). There are a few dorms with two rooms sharing one bathroom and a couple of dorms that have private bathrooms.
Every dorm building enforces quiet hours; some only for evening hours, some 24/7. This is to help ensure that residents can get proper rest for their working hours. The quiet hours are enforced by a Resident Coordinator (RC) and local area security.
WiFi is available in almost every employee residence (Roosevelt Lodge is an exception), but comes through a third-party provider with limited bandwidth, meaning your internet connection won’t always be stable or reliable. There are cellular towers located within the park at Canyon, Mammoth, Grant, Old Faithful, and Lake. Reception varies based on your provider and the service plan you choose.
Things like toilet paper, sheets, and blankets are provided for you (though keep in mind you will have to provide your own toiletries). You can always still bring your own sheets and blankets if you want that comfort of home while you are in the park. Read over our packing list for more details.
Our Locations
Click on the images to learn more about where you will live and work in each village. All dorms are within walking distance of where you will be working.
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